We've heard it before
'fix in post'
and that is where I came in.
I was tasked with removing some crew from a highly reflective window, as well as replacing a photo that appeared in a few scenes. Overall, it was a fun challenge, and definitely saved a few scenes.
Here is the before and after for the reflective glass.
I used Lockdown3 from Vranos to track the shot, then found a clean window from a different take, and put it in there.
Afterwards I used Rotobrush and some manual rotoscoping to put the character back in front of the reflection.
Using cameralens blur and timing the keyframes right I was able to match the depth of field changes.
with some final colorizing I blended the image in the rest of the way.

Original Shot

Clear Lockdown

Blurred Lockdown


IN a couple other scenes one of the photos needed to be replaced to help sell a story beat.
Again I used Lockdown to track the shot, placed the photo where it needed to go, added a shadow which was just a shape layer with a hefty blur.
A little bit of rotoscoping later, and boom, photo replaced.


